Yesterday’s Yulbiz Montréal event

Yesterday, Tuesday June 26th, I went to a Yulbiz event with Kim.Yulbiz20070626

We wanted to go quite a while ago since we read about it, but it slipped or mind. Thanks to social networks, I luckily was reminded.

It was or first time, but I can tell you it won’t be our last as it was a great event with a lot of interesting people! I met many interesting bloggers and others that work on Web-related businesses. It was really fun and I learned a few things at the same time. You can bet I’m a new regular.

Yulbiz is a Montreal networking event happening each month, the last Tuesday of the month. Many thanks to Michel Leblanc that unknowingly reminded me of the event.

In French, Alain Thériault that I met last night also has a some comments on the event. And Michel has just put the wrap-up (in French) for the question of the month.

Click on the on picture for more Yulbiz Montréal photos.

My best regards to everyone I met! Let’s hope will see each other again in August (Yulbiz is taking a vacation in July).

Note to self: it seems I missed some pictures for uploading. This evening, I should add a few more photos to the album.