In his post, Sebastien Provencher asks: Who will control your online identity?
I think we can answer the question by also asking: Who will control your network?
One thing of particular interest in light of Facebook Connect the question of real identity versus anonymous identity, which is dear to me.
Facebook is well placed to become a provider of non-anonymous login functionality through Facebook Connect. Google Friend Connect are positioned as anonymous login providers. Both also want to aggregate your friends and their activities. Other solutions like OpenID and oAuth only focus on the login (but do not exclude Google Friend Connect support).
I think these services (Facebook, Google) that help bring your friends through the login process to other sites will have more success. These are very attractive, as Sebastien mentions, to jumpstart initiatives that need login. But, they are also really attractive to publishers because they help users bring their social network with them over different Web properties. Other services might not die quickly, but it is my opinion that they won’t be as attractive to publishers since they don’t add added-value other than facilitating login.
Because Facebook provides real identities and Google supplies anonymous identities, both have a bright future for different Web activities.